Note: Selected videos from our 3 most recent conferences are viewable only to current CTER members— support our work and become a member. Members can contact CTER for the password. Older videos are available to all.
TERO and EEOC Public Service Announcement about Discrimination
Featuring Melvin Wheeler and Teresa Ray Bumatay
CTER Board President and Nez Perce TERO Director Melvin Wheeler, along with CTER Board member and Lummi Nation TERO Director Teresa Ray Bumatay worked with the EEOC to create this public service announcement about discrimination for Indian Nations. Watch and please share.
From CTER’s 2024 Legal Update & Indian Preference Conference at The Orleans, Las Vegas, NV
Council for Tribal Employment Rights Board Introductions
CTER Board Chair Melvin Wheeler (Nez Perce TERO Director) asks his fellow board members to introduce themselves at the opening of the 2024 Legal Update & Indian Preference Conference at The Orleans, Las Vegas, NV, December 11, 2024.
Suicide Prevention MOU with LiUNA NW Region
A new MOU was signed at the 2024 Legal Update & Indian Preference Conference in Las Vegas on December 11, 2024. CTER Board Chair Melvin Wheeler and LiUNA Vice President and Northwest Regional Manager Robert Abbott signed the agreement that provides important materials and support to Tribal laborers in an effort to save lives—CTER is proud to have a part in this effort, we have all seen too much tragedy.
Richard McGee, MHA TERO Attorney
Richard McGee is an appellate attorney who works with MHA TERO and MHA TERO Commission, he often offers his insights of the current legal landscape for Tribal Preference and Sovereignty issues to those attending CTER’s Legal Update & Indian Preference Conference. See the slides from Richard’s talk here (PDF).
Adrien Carretero, MN-DOT Tribal Operations Liaison
Adrien Carretero, MN-DOT Tribal Operations Liaison, spoke at CTER’s 2024 Legal Update & Indian Preference Conference in Las Vegas, NV about MN-DOTs partnerships that foster training on December 11. See the slides that accompanied Adrien’s talk here (PDF).
Randall Crowe, TERO Attorney, EBCI
Randall Crowe is an attorney and Cherokee Indian from the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Randall has focused his work on TERO and works as a consultant to TEROs and TERO Commissions across the country. He has given much of his time to developing a plan that would expunge the records of non-violent offenders within the EBCI to give them the chance at meaningful full employment. The slides from Randall’s presentation can be found here.
From CTER’s 2024 National TERO Conference at the Wild Horse Casino & Resort, Gila River, AZ
Julie Su, Acting U.S. Secretary of Labor
The Council for Tribal Employment Rights was honored to have Julie Su, acting U.S. Secretary of Labor, speak at the 2024 National TERO Conference held in Gila River, AZ. To have a cabinet member of the Biden administration address our members shows the important relationship and potential for partnerships we have with the federal government.
Laatis Lawrence, Youth Apprenticeship Sponsor at Nez Perce Tribe TERO
Laatis Lawrence, TERO Youth Apprenticeship Sponsor at Nez Perce Tribe TERO talks about their program during a breakout session at CTER’s 2024 National TERO Conference at Gila River, AZ.
James Driscoll-MacEachron, Attorney at EEOC Office of General Counsel, Appellate Litigation Services
EEOC Legal Update, from day 2 of CTER’s 2024 National TERO Conference in Gila River, AZ.
Mary Mashunkashey, Chairwoman at National Intertribal Tax Alliance
It’s easy to think of taxation as a dirty word, but creating revenue through taxation is just as much of an exercise in Tribal Sovereignty as TERO. Mary Mashunkashey, Chairwoman at National Intertribal Tax Alliance explains to the attendees at CTER’s 2024 National TERO Conference in Gila River, AZ.
TERO Commissioner Training: A breakout session with Kelcey Packineau & DelRay German
TERO Commissioners need to understand their TERO Ordinance and the scope and limitations of their authority to do their job and be effective leaders. CTER Board members and TERO Directors Kelcey Packineau and DelRay German go over the basics at a session of CTER’s 2024 National TERO Conference in Chandler, AZ, at the Gila River Wildhorse Hotel and Casino.
Bernice Delorme, CTER General Counsel: The threat that Project 2025 could pose to Tribes and labor
Bernice Delorme decided to change the topic of her scheduled address to the National TERO Conference because she thought it was important that Tribes, and TEROs, be aware of the potential of a second Trump administration and the Project 2025 that would likely come with it to threaten the future of Tribal sovereignty and self determination, as well as the labor movement in general.
From CTER’s 2023 Legal Update & Indian Preference Conference at The Orleans Hotel & Casino
Terri Henry, Attorney, EBCI TERO Director, CTER Board Member
Terri Henry speaks the CTER Legal Update & Indian Preference Conference about “The Tribal Workforce in the 21st Century” and what that looks like for the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians and their Workforce Development plan.
Bernice Delorme, CTER General Counsel: A Look at the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
In Bernice Delorme’s second keynote at the 2023 Legal Update Conference she takes a look at what protections the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples might offer Indian Tribes if adopted by the United States (the last holdout country). Bernices’s PowerPoint for this talk can be seen here – What Does Protection Look Like for Tribes? A Look at the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) (PDF)
Kostan Lathoris, Indian & Tribal Law Attorney: Revising TERO Ordinances
Kostan Lathoris is an Indian & Tribal Law attorney who works with his own Tribe and others—he talked at CTER’s Legal Update & Indian Preference Conference on how you know if it’s time to update your TERO Ordinance and the considerations involved. The following slides accompanied his talk – Revising TERO Ordinances.
Bernice Delorme, CTER General Counsel: Protecting Tribal Nations From Race-Based & Other Challenges
Bernice Delorme, CTER General Counsel, opened the keynote presentations at the 2023 Legal Update & Indian Preference Conference with talk about the origins and history of U.S. Indian Law and the many times it has failed to protect the interest of Tribal people—and where that leaves us today. A PDF of the slides that accompanied this talk is available here.
Arlando Teller, Assistant Secretary, Federal Highway Administration
While not specifically about TERO, Arlando Teller, Assistant Secretary of the Federal Highway Administation and Navajo Tribal member, gave a very well received talk at the 2023 Legal Update & Indian Preference Conference about how to involve his agency in highway issues in and around Tribal reservations—and how his office can help even in matters involving state and county roads.
From CTER’s 2023 National TERO Conference at the Coeur D’Alene Casino Resort Hotel
Honoring Lee Adolph, President and CEO of CTER from 2013 – 2023
CTER’s and its TERO family lost our longtime President, Lee Adolph, to a sudden illness just a week and a half before the 2023 National Conference. Lee was honored and remembered as a lifelong TERO advocate who was always unafraid to say what he believed to be the truth. This video is the last address Lee made to a TERO conference, at the Northwest Region TERO Spring Conference in Pendleton, Oregon, April 2023.
A Farewell from John Navarro
CTER Cofounder and past president John Navarro delivers his final keynote address to a National TERO Conference, with a look back at his many years of work with TERO. We thank John for his many years of hard work and guidance and wish him all the best as he takes deserved time for himself and family. (See John’s presentation slides here.)
Bernice Delorme, CTER General Counsel: Indian Workforce Protection Act + SCOTUS case
Bernice Delorme is an Attorney at Law from the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians and has taken on the role of Counsel for the Council for Tribal Employment Rights. Bernice spoke at CTER’s 2023 National TERO Conference on August on the topic of an Indian Workforce Protection Act and a recent SCOTUS case that challenged the Indian Child Welfare Protection Act.
Randall Crowe, Attorney at Law: Tribal Sovereignty
Randall Crowe, an Attorney from the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians in Cherokee, North Carolina talks those assembled at day 2 of CTER’s 2023 National TERO Conference about Tribal Sovereignty.
Jack Jackson, Tribal Liaison, Office of Congressional & Intergovernmental Affairs, DOL
Jack Jackson is the Tribal Liaison in the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs, he spoke to those in attendance at CTER’s 2023 National TERO Conference at the Coeur d’Alene Casino Resort & Hotel on August 9th, 2023.
From 2022 Legal Update & Indian Preference Conference at The Orleans Casino Hotel, Las Vegas
Remembering Dan Press
Dan Press, CTER cofounder and long-time General Counsel has passed, but we will not forget his service, friendship, and dedication to the TERO & Indian Preference movement and community. This video features footage from the CTER History series where Dan shares some memories of the beginnings of TERO and his thoughts on where it might go next.
Bernice Delorme, Attorney & CTER General Counsel on the implications of SCOTUS case BRACKEEN V. HAALAND
Attorney Bernice Delorme talks at the 2022 Legal Update and Indian Preference Conference in Las Vegas about an important case in front of the US Supreme Court challenging aspects of the Indian Child Welfare Protection Act that may have wide ranging impacts to Tribes across the country as some see it as a threat to established principles of sovereignty. View Bernice’s PowerPoint and links – mplications of Supreme Court case challenging Indian Child Welfare Protection Act (PDF). Background: ICWA (PDF), BIA ICWA (link).
Jesse Kohler, Executive Director for the Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy & Practice
Jesse Kohler is the Executive Director of the Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy & Practice. Jesse was guided and mentored by the work of Dan Press during his “TERO 2.0” years of advocacy around the effects of historic/generational trauma and its impediment to successful employment in Indian Country. In his address to attendees at the 2022 Legal Update Conference Jesse talked about Dan, this own trauma journey, and the important work of his organization. View Jesse’s Powerpoint – Building the Movement to Prevent Trauma and Foster Resilience (PDF).
Brenda Smith, Kenaitze Tribal Council
Previously a TERO director before being elected to Tribal Council, Brenda Smith (formerly Blankenship) talked to those in attendance at the 2022 Legal Update & Indian Preference Conference and shared how her father’s advice inspires her as she takes on new challenges in life.
Bernice Delorme, Attorney & CTER General Counsel gives the “Indian Taxation 101” talk
Nobody likes (paying) taxes, but nothing can get done without them—Bernice Delorme, attorney and CTER general counsel gives her talk on taxes and explains why exercising Tribal authority to tax supports not just the community but strengthens sovereignty. View Bernice’s PowerPoint – Indian Taxation 101 (PDF).
From 2022 National TERO Conference at Spirit River Casino Resort, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Bernice Delorme, CTER Legal Counsel on International Law and Indigenous Peoples Rights
Bernice Delorme, Attorney and consulting counsel for CTER talks about international law and its positions regarding the rights of indigenous people. Recent changes and adoptions by The United Nations will have a growing impact on how countries deal with the rights and claims of their indigenous peoples. Bernice’s keynote included two PowerPoint presentations which can also be downloaded: United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous People (PDF) and The Indian Law Hall of Shame (PDF).
From 2021 Legal Update & Indian Preference Conference at The Orleans, Las Vegas
Dan Press, CTER Legal Counsel
Dan Press helped form the Council for Tribal Employment Rights 44 years ago, and his legal work over the years was critical to the legal acceptance of TERO’s legal authority on reservations with adopted TERO Ordinances. Due to health challenges Dan was not able to attend our 2021 conferences in person, but Dan’s commitment and passion for the cause is still strong and he was able to share his thoughts about the current challenges and opportunities for TERO and Tribes via Zoom. The following document has specific information relating to Dan’s talk – Native Affairs Provisions–BID and Reconciliation (PDF).
Jeanne Goldberg: Covid-19 and Employment Law Update
Jeanne Goldberg, Senior Attorney with EEOC Office of Legal Counsel delivers a presentation on the impact/implications of Covid-19 on U.S. employment laws. A PDF of Jeanne’s presentation is available on our Downloads page.
From 2021 National TERO Conference at the Coeur D’Alene Casino Resort Hotel
Leonard Forsman Keynote
Leonard Forsman, President of the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians and Chairman of the Suquamish Tribe talks to attendees of CTER’s 2021 National Conference about the challenges and opportunities facing Tribes today. Introduction by Karen Condon of The Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation. (We did not have a clean audio feed from the podium microphone, apologies for the poor sound quality.)
Keith Sonderling, EEOC Commissioner
New EEOC Commissioner Keith Sonderling addresses CTER’s 2021 National Conference at the Coeur d’ Alene Casino Resort & Hotel. Commissioner Sondering’s talk is followed by an anecdotal story by CTER President and CEO Lee Adolph about the value of EEOC training.
Dan Press on Three Important Topics
Attorney Dan Press has been CTER’s legal counsel from the very beginning (more than 40 years), and he spoke to the 2021 National Conference attendees via Zoom due to health issues that prevented him from traveling. In his address Dan talks about federal infrastructure money, what the American Rescue Plan Act means to tribes/TERO, and his ongoing thoughts of TERO’s role in addressing historical trauma.
Athena Brown, Division Chief of Indian and Native American Programs at the U.S. Department of of Labor
Athena Brown, Division Chief of Indian and Native American Programs at the U.S. Department of of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration addressed those in attendance at the Council for Tribal Employment Rights 2021 National Conference at the Coeur D’Alene Casino Resort Hotel, Worley, Idaho, on August 13th. Ms. Brown could not attend the conference but addressed those present with a pre-recorded video.
TERO Administrative Process, with Theo De La Rosa and John Navarro
From a day-2 breakout session at the 2021 Council for Tribal Employment Rights National Conference, August 11, 2021 at the Coeur D’Alene Casino Resort Hotel.
From 2019 Legal Update & Indian Preference Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada
Laura Jones, Attorney: Trends in Tribal Sovereignty
Dan Press introduces his associate at Van Ness Feldman and “heir apparent” Laura Jones, attorney and Cherokee member, to talk about trends in Tribal sovereignty and the impacts on TERO, employment law and Indian preference at CTER’s 2019 Legal Update & Indian Preference Conference in Las Vegas on December 4, 2019. Laura’s PowerPoint presentation can be viewed here.
Bernice Delorme, Attorney: Employment Law in Indian Country
Bernice DeLorme, a taxation attorney working with the Northern Plains TERO Coalition talks about employment law in Indian Country at CTER’s 2019 Legal Update & Indian Preference Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, on December 4, 2019.
Bernice’s PowerPoint is available here: Employment Law in Indian Country.
Richard McGee, TERO Attorney
Richard McGee, attorney for the MHA TERO, talks at CTER’s 2019 Legal Update & Indian Preference Conference on December 6, 2019, about important recent developments in case law that could impact TERO. A PDF of Richard’s PowerPoint is available here.
Dan Press, CTER Legal Counsel, Attorney with Van Ness Feldman
Dan Press, longtime CTER legal counsel has been involved in TERO since the legal cases that created it over 40 years ago. At CTER’s 2019 Legal Update and Indian Preference Conference in Las Vegas Dan talked to attendees about the latest in Indian Preference and contract law impacting TERO today. The following are links to Dan’s PowerPoint presentations: Tribal Employment Authority (PPT), The Law Involving Indian Preference in Employment and Contracting (PPT).
Craig Leen, Director Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs
Craig Leen, the Director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP), and Theresa Lujan, Director of OFCCP’s Indian and Native American Employment Rights Program talk to CTER’s 2019 Legal Update & Indian Preference Conference on December 4, 2019. The talk covers the 40 year history that OFCCP has working with CTER and TERO programs across the country, what their responsibilities are, and where they think they can do better in their work with Indian Country.
From 2019 National TERO Conference at the Coeur D’Alene Casino Resort Hotel
Charlotte Burrows, EEOC Commissioner
EEOC Commissioner Charlotte Burrows speaks to CTER’s 2019 National TERO Conference about the role EEOC plays in enforcing anti-discrimination laws in the workplace, its place in Indian Country, and where it can still do better.
CTER History Project
The Birth of the TERO Movement
Part I
Council for Tribal Employment Rights cofounders Conrad Edwards and John Navarro and general counsel Dan Press talk about the birth of the Tribal employment rights movement, TEROs, CTER, and how it all impacted employment and opportunities for Tribal members across the country.
Part II
CTER cofounders Conrad Edwards and John Navarro and general counsel Dan Press talk about struggles of the early Tribal employment rights movement, and new challenges ahead.
From 2018 Legal Update & Indian Preference Conference, Las Vegas
John Stone: Seven Generations—TERO and Taxation, an Aboriginal Perspective
Tribal revenue expert John Stone talks about knowing history as an aboriginal people to understand how to move forward in a way that can empower the next seven generations.
Andrea Clifford: Empowerment Through Wellness
Andrea Clifford talks about the role of wellness and dealing with trauma in the context of Tribal employment. Andrea is an experienced human resources manager from Wind River and was recently elected to the Wyoming State Legislature. Andrea’s slides that accompanied this talk can be seen here (PDF)
Bernice Delorme: Indian Taxation 101
Attorney Bernice Delorme of Delorme Tax & Law Office speaks at the Council for Tribal Employment Rights’ 2018 Legal Update & Indian Preference Conference in Las Vegas on December 6, about the history and precedence of Tribal governments collecting taxes. The presentation that Bernice gave to accompany this talk can be found here (PPT)
From 2018 National TERO Conference – Cherokee, North Carolina
Curtis Wildcat: Eastern Band Cherokee Indians TERO
An overview of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians’ TERO program presented by TERO Director Curtis Wildcat and TERO Commissioner Kevin Jackson. The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians was the host of CTER’s 2018 National TERO Conference in Cherokee, North Carolina, July 30 – August 2 at Harrah’s Cherokee Casino & Resort.
Breakout Session: Trauma with Dan Press, Andrea Clifford, and Andrew Miritello
Dan Press talks about historic and childhood trauma, its scientific basis and devastating effects, Andrea Clifford talks about addressing trauma from a human resources perspective, and Andrew Miritello talks about the effectiveness in using equine therapy to treat those suffering the effects of trauma during a breakout session at CTER’s 2018 National TERO Conference in Cherokee, North Carolina.
Gyasi Ross: Strengthening Native Communities – Historic Challenges & New Assaults
Gyasi Ross, Attorney, Blackfeet, speaks at CTER’s 2018 National TERO Conference in Cherokee, North Carolina. Addressing the need to economically strengthen Native communities, Gyasi (Je-ossy) talks about the historic impediments Tribes have had to overcome as the U.S. government has attempted to “kill the Indian, save the man”, and newer assaults by the current administration on Native sovereignty and the longstanding government-to-government relationship established through treaty and the courts that require Tribe’s immediate attention and action.
Suggested reading: Blackfoot Redemption: A Blood Indian’s Story of Murder, Confinement, and Imperfect Justice
Related links: Morton v. Mancari | HHS Medicare controversy could become legal challenge to Tribes
Dan Press: Critical Legal Issues
The case Harvey v. Ute Indian Tribe was decided in favor of the Ute Tribe by the Utah Supreme Court, but that decision was appealed and the case is headed to the U.S. Supreme Court. If SCOTUS rules in favor of Harvey (the plaintiff) the impact on TERO could be catastrophic. CTER General Counsel Dan Press talks about what is going on and why it matters at the 2018 National TERO Conference in Cherokee, NC.
Reading: SCOTUSblog on Harvey v. UTE Indian Tribe | Supreme Court delivers bad news to tribes as term draws to a close
Dan Press: Historical & Childhood Trauma – Defining the Future of the TERO Movement
In his 2018 National TERO Conference keynote, Dan Press, CTER General Council, talks about the impacts of two types of trauma endemic in Tribal communities, and the role that TERO can play in helping to overcome this debilitating legacy.
Template: TERO trauma ordinance (DOCX) (PDF version)
From 2017 Legal Update and Indian Preference Conference
Mark Fox: Current Priorities
Mark Fox, MHA Nation Chairman, dropped in to talk about how the Three Affiliated Tribes of North Dakota are improving TERO and working on a relationship with the current administration in Washington, D.C. at CTER’s 2017 Legal Update and Indian Preference Conference at the Monte Carlo in Las Vegas, December 7.
Mary Mashunkashey: Tribal Tax Revenue
Mary Mashunkashey, Executive Director of the Seminole Nation Business Corporate Regulatory Commission, talks about Tribal tax revenue at CTER’s 2017 Legal Update and Indian Preference Conference at the Monte Carlo in Las Vegas, December 7.
Reed Soderstrom: Rights of Way and Leases
MHA Nation TERO attorney Reed Soderstrom gives advice on issues of rights of way and leasing regarding both surface and subsurface at CTER’s 2017 Legal Update and Indian Preference Conference, December 6-8, at the Monte Carlo in Las Vegas, Nevada. The presentation that accompanied Reed’s talk can be found here (PDF).
Andrea & Don Clifford: Empowerment through Wellness & Safety
In a presentation to CTER’s 2017 Legal Update and Indian Preference Conference at the Monte Carlo in Las Vegas (Dec. 6-8), Andrea Clifford talks about the important role that Human Resources departments can play in achieving and retaining higher rates of employment among Tribal members. Andrea’s husband and Safety Specialist Don Clifford talks about how establishing safety programs can make Tribal enterprises more self-reliant and profitable. Their Prezi presentation can been seen here.
From 2017 National TERO Conference – 40th Anniversary in Warm Springs, Oregon
A Look Back at the Birth of TERO, Part I : The Ken White, Sr., Story
Gathered at Warm Springs, Oregon at CTER’s National TERO Conference on the 40th anniversary of the first “TERO” conference (before it was TERO), we hear the inspiring story of Ken White, Sr., whose battle to work grew into an organized effort that would spread across Indian Country and change the future.
A Look Back at the Birth of TERO, Part II : The Rest of the Story
Gathered at Warm Springs, Oregon at CTER’s National TERO Conference on the 40th anniversary of the first “TERO” conference, we hear the rest of the story of how TERO developed, from two men involved from the beginning—attorney Dan Press and CTER co-founder John Navarro.
Norm Dicks, Keynote
Former Washington State congressman Mr. Norm Dicks delivers the keynote address to those gathered in Warm Springs, Oregon, for CTER’s 40th anniversary of the National TERO Conference, July 31, 2017.
TERO Commission Training
Charles Foote and Kelsey Packineau run the TERO program at the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara Nation (MHA, Three Affiliated Tribes of North Dakota), the largest and most active TERO program in the country. The oil boom on MHA’s lands has created both challenges and opportunities for Tribal government, none more so than TERO—what MHA TERO has achieved in a relatively short time provides valuable lessons and insights for other Tribes and TERO programs. This video was recorded during a break-out session of CTER’s 40th anniversary National TERO Conference at Warm Springs, Oregon, August 2017.
Greetings from Warm Springs, Site of the 40th Anniversary National TERO Conference
We are excited to be able to have our 40th Anniversary National TERO Conference hosted where it began 40 years ago, at Warm Springs, Oregon, July 31 – August 3rd. We look forward to seeing you there!
From 2016 Legal Update and Indian Preference Conference
Mark Fox: Tribal Leaders Perspective
Mark Fox, MHA Nation Chairman, addresses CTER’s 2016 Indian Preference & Legal Update Conference during the Tribal Leaders Perspective panel to talk about Standing Rock, the future under a potentially unfriendly administration, and the role TERO continues to play for the MHA Nation.
Dan Press: TERO in a Time of Uncertainty & Historical Trauma
Dan Press, attorney and CTER General Counsel, speaks at CTER’s 2016 Indian Preference & Legal Update Conference in Las Vegas about the challenges Tribes and TERO may face under a Trump administration and talks again about new research regarding historical trauma and what it means to Native American communities and TERO programs.
From 2016 National TERO Conference – Ferndale, Washington
Leroy Not Afraid: Motivation and Inspiration
Leroy Not Afraid, Chief Judge of the Crow Nation always delivers an inspirational and motivational presentation—at CTER’s 2016 National TERO Conference he reminds us why we do the important work that we do and who we are doing it for.
John Navarro: TERO and Cultural Synergy
CTER co-founder John Navarro gives a condensed version of his Cultural Synergy workshop at CTER’s 2016 National TERO Conference. Making TERO work involves more than enforcement, but also educating businesses and contractors—what is often an adversarial relationship doesn’t have to be and can be turned into a win-win.
Dan Press: TERO and Historical Trauma
Dan Press, longtime CTER General Counsel, speaks at CTER’s 2016 National TERO Conference about new research regarding historical trauma and what it means to Native American communities, particularly in regards to the most troubled part of the population that has long been considered “unemployable”.
Brian Cladoosby: The Importance of Integrity
Brian Cladoosby, President of the National Congress of American Indians, speaks at CTER’s 2016 National TERO Conference about the hard choices that being true to your responsibilities can entail and why integrity is so important in your job.
From 2015 Legal Update and Indian Preference Conference
Lee Adolph: Tribal Workforce Protection Act & TERO
CTER President and CEO Lee Adolph talks about the Workforce Protection Act and why it is so important to tribal sovereignty that Tribes add protections for all workers—Indian and non-Indian alike—to their TERO ordinances, at the 2015 CTER Legal Update Conference in Las Vegas.
Download an outline of the WHY’s and HOW’s of adding a Tribal Workforce Protection Act to your Tribe’s TERO Ordinance (PDF)
Wes Edmo: Tribal TOSHA Ordinance
Wes Edmo, from Shoshone Bannock Tribe delivers a talk on Tribal TOSHA Ordinance at the 2015 CTER Legal Update Conference in Las Vegas, December 9, 2015.
Dan Press, Attorney: Updates & Review of Current Indian Preference Law
Longtime CTER legal advisor Dan Press addresses the 2015 Legal Update Conference in Las Vegas about some of the important current issues impacting TERO, specifically Right of Way issues and the National Labor Relations Board.
Mark Fox, Chairman, Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara (MHA) : Tribal Leaders Perspective
MHA Nation Chairman Mark Fox addresses the Conference about the critical role that tax revenue plays and the importance of having a proper perspective on American history and development.
Chairman Fox’s recommends these books:
The Invasion of America: Indians, Colonialism, and the Cant of Conquest by Francis Jennings (Amazon)
Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies by Jared M. Diamond (Amazon)
From 2014 Legal Update and Indian Preference Conference
MOU Between OFCCP and CTER
On December 11, 2014, an historic Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Council for Tribal Employment Rights and the US Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs in front of an audience at CTER’s Legal Update Conference in Las Vegas. The agreement is a milestone for CTER, TEROs, and the OFCCP. A PDF of the MOU can be viewed/downloaded here.
Video note: The audio feed to the recorder was loose for the first 8 minutes, the sound is less than perfect during this time—the situation was corrected and the audio quality for the balance of the video is much higher.

Board Chairman Larry Ketcher Retires at Legal Update Conference
Longtime CTER Board member and Chairman Larry Ketcher announced during the 2014 CTER Legal Update Conference in Las Vegas that he was retiring and stepping down from his position at the conclusion of the conference. Those who have attended any CTER conference in recent history will know Larry and the pivotal role that Larry has played in the organization. CTER President Lee Adolph and the Board thanked Larry for his service and recognized his contributions.
MHA TERO Ordinance & Enforcement, moderated by Kelsey Packineau
Kelsay Packineau of the Three Affiliated Tribes of Ft. Berthold moderates a presentation on MHA’s TERO ordinance and enforcement, featuring longtime tribal attorney Damon Williams and Tribal Councilman Randy Phelan. The incredible pace and scale of development and growth on and around the reservation is a test of TERO and illustrates both its value and challenges.
ichard McGee, Attorney and Author: Tribal Employment Rights Overview
Attorney and author of “A Guide to Tribal Employment Rights,” Richard McGee delivers an overview of Tribal Employment Rights at the 2014 CTER Legal Update and Tribal Preference Conference.
A PowerPoint presentation accompanied this talk, you can downlaod Employment Law Update here.
Kristen Burge, Crow Nation Attorney: Uniform Guidance for Federal Awards
Crow Nation attorney Kristen Burge discusses the Uniform Guidance for Federal Awards (New OMB SuperCircular) and its impact on TEROs and Indian Self-Determination. Follow up comments by Dan Press, CTER legal council.
This presentation included a PowerPoint presentation, download it here: Kristen Burge: New OMB SuperCircular.
Ernie Stevens, Jr.
Ernie Stevens, Jr., Chairman National Indian Gaming Association, talks to attendees at the 2014 Legal Update Conference about his own experiences and the important role that TERO and Indian preference play in self-determination and self-reliance.
From 2014 National TERO Conference – Coeur d’Alene Casino Resort Hotel, Idaho
9/11 Remembrance Flag Tribute
CTER had the honor of hosting the 9-11 Remembrance Flag at the 2014 National TERO Conference at the Coeur d’Alene Casino Resort Hotel in August, 2014. The veterans present, together with the gathered assembly gave the flag and the memories of those lost a moving tribute.
Darrin Old Coyote & Alvin Not Afraid, Jr.: Change from Within, A New Generation of Leadership
The Honorable Darrin Old Coyote, Chairman of the Apsáalooke (Crow) Nation, and the Honorable Alvin Not Afraid, Jr., Chief Judge of the Apsáalooke Nation, give a stirring talk at CTER’s 2014 Annual TERO Conference about the opportunities that a new generation of Native leadership has to make real changes and empower their people.
John Navarro: Using Sovereignty to Focus on Job Creation
CTER cofounder John Navarro talks at CTER’s 2014 National TERO Conference about how sovereignty can be used to create new opportunities in job creation, specifically in the areas of federal contracts for work on and around reservations.
Workgroup Session – Working with Tribal Leadership
Arnie Marchand facilitates a 2014 National TERO Conference workgroup session discussion about the challenges and benefits of TERO programs working with Tribal leadership.
Workgroup Session – EEOC Compliance
Tribal employment rights were hard-won, protect your Tribe’s TERO program and laws by complying with other federal employment rights laws. This 2014 National TERO Conference workgroup session was led by Theresa Lujan, Indian and Native American Employment Rights Program (INAERP) coordinator at the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs.
There is occasional audio interference in this video caused by a cell phone near the microphone, we apologize for any inconvenience.
Dan Press: Legal Issues and Developments
Dan Press, CTER legal counsel, talks about current legal issues and updates regarding TERO at the 2014 CTER National TERO Conference at the Coeur d’Alene Casino Resort Hotel. For more detailed information about the legal issues impacting TERO programs consider attending the 2014 TERO & Indian Preference Legal Update Conference this December 10-12 in Las Vegas.
From 2013 National TERO Conference – Tulsa, Oklahoma
Diane Kelley: Building Employment in the Cherokee Nation
Diane Kelley, Executive Director of Career Services for the Cherokee Nation talks about TERO and how it is building employment and empowering the people of the Cherokee Nation.
Lorenda Sanchez: Tribal Employment in California
Lorenda Sanchez, Executive Director of California Indian Manpower Consortium, Inc. talks about the state of Tribal employment and TERO in California.
Theresa Lujan: CTER/OFCCP MOU Agreement
Theresa Lujan, Indian and Native American Employment Rights Program (INAERP) coordinator at the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs talks about her new role and the MOU Agreement with OFCCP.
John Navarro: A CTER Historical Perspective
Listen to Council for Tribal Employment Rights co-founder John Navarro talk about the history of CTER at a keynote address of the 36th Annual National TERO Convention on July 1, 2013, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. John lays out the pivotal role that CTER has played in negotiations and training that established and grew the TERO programs to what they are today.
CTER: Plan for Going Forward
The Council for Tribal Employment Rights shares its Strategic Plan for moving forward—President Lee Adolph and consultant Michael Felts of the Cabra Group explain the plan.
Dan Press & David Lopez: Legal Issues and Developments
CTER Legal Council Dan Press talks about the legal issues facing Tribal governments and TEROs today, in particular the MOU with EEOC — with David Lopez, General Council for EEOC.
CTER Tribute to Conrad Edwards
Council for Tribal Employment Rights co-founder Conrad Edwards is given a tribute at the 36th Annual TERO Convention in Tulsa by fellow co-founder John Navarro. The two men began their work together in 1977 and spent their careers working for, negotiating and improving tribal employment rights.
Bill John Baker: TERO and the Cherokee Nation
Bill John Baker, Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation talks about the importance of TERO in Indian Country and what it has meant to the Cherokee Nation in particular in a 2013 National TERO Conference opening keynote.
Kimberly Turnipseed: TERO for Compliance Officers
Puyallup Tribal TERO Compliance Officer and CTER Conference facilitator Kimberly Turnipseed advises on the does and don’ts of TERO Compliance enforcement in the field.
David Lopez: Is the EEOC/TERO MOU today’s big issue?
David Lopez, General Council U.S. EEOC, talks about how the MOU can strengthen both TEROs and the EEOC while protecting employees from discrimination.